Monday, December 29, 2008

Canadian Juniors Clobber Kazakhstan 15-0

On Sunday I usually watch NFL football but because it is that time of year when the World’s best junior hockey players play World Junior Hockey Championship I switched the channel to watch a hockey game. Imagine my surprise when the Canadian Juniors defeated their opponents from Kazakhstan by more than two converted touchdowns.

From the opening face-off the Canadians roared into their opponent's end of the ice and they seemed to stay there for the entire game. Chet Pickard, Canada's goalie may have recorded the shutout but he was virtually alone for the entire game facing only 11 shots.

Meanwhile, Kazakhstan’s Andrei Yankov faced 44 shots and was mercifully pulled at the end of the second period.

Before everyone condemns the Canadians for “running up the score”, it is important to remember that in international competition, goal differentials (goals for vs. goals against) are used as tie-breakers. So to protect themselves later on in the tournament the Canadians had to score when they could.

What was interesting and admirable on the part of the Canuck juniors was their lack of celebration after scoring a goal. Some of them seemed to be almost embarrassed to have scored against the Kazaks. (Especially late in the game.)

Although they won, the Canadians had better look in the mirror and evaluate themselves before they skate out on the ice against the Germans tonight.

They tried to be too fancy with their passes at times and the result often meant a turnover. Against stronger competition this would have meant goals against.

Another note: Angelo Esposito can score goals there is no doubt but he has to learn to be stronger on the puck or his pro career will not be what many think it should be.

Finally, I have to agree with TSN’s Pierre McGuire. The International Ice Hockey Federation should cap the number of goals that can be applied against the goal differential tie-breaker. If the differential was limited to 5, then debacles like yesterday would be less likely to happen.

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